Toolbox 'All-in'
Want to take your favorite tools and art supply wherever you go? Child‘s play with the toolbox ‚All-in‘! The toolbox ‚All-in‘ comes as a set of four: a main box, a metal dividider and two different lids. Offering to types of lids the toolbox covers different needs for different uses. Choosing the lid including a flexible textile strap makes the box transportable and lets you take your favorite tools wherever you go! Do you rather work at home in your creative corner? No problem – choose the plain lid and place the box in your favorite work spot – it will keep your tools safely! The metal divider takes care of that all your tools stay in place and that you can access them easily. However the divider is optinal and can be taken out of the box. The main purpose of the project was to look into the materials plastic and metal. Exploring their possible treatments enabled me to implement these materials in a smooth and pleasant design.